Wells Fargo Identity Theft Scandal Spreads to Prudential Life Insurance
- December 10th, 2016
- Joel Winston
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Wells Fargo employees are accused of stealing the personal and financial information of Wells Fargo customers and forcing them to buy life insurance. Wells Fargo has a partnership with Prudential to sell a low-cost life insurance policy to the bank’s retail customers. Wells Fargo…
El Escándalo del Robo de Identidad de Wells Fargo se Propaga a Prudential Life Insurance
- December 10th, 2016
- Joel Winston
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Los empleados de Wells Fargo son acusados de robar la información personal y financiera de los clientes de Wells Fargo y obligarlos a comprar un seguro de vida. Wells Fargo tiene una asociación con Prudential para vender una póliza de…
Employer Wellness Programs May Not Be as Private as You Think
- April 8th, 2015
- Joel Winston
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Corporate wellness programs have become one of the biggest areas where health data is being collected, with hundreds of vendors amassing millions of pieces of intimate and potentially embarrassing health information on American workers. According to an investigation by Bloomberg…